The Department of Horticulture was established in 2013 with five different courses in B. Sc. (Ag.), Production Technology of Vegetables, Production Technology of fruits, Production Technology of Flowers, Production technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal and Plantation Crops, and Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables. The objective to establish the department was to initiate education and training in horticulture courses i.e., vocational training, star program for farmers etc., to conduct need based research for the development of horticulture in Odisha and to disseminate the technology for growing horticultural crops and post harvest management of horticultural produce. The department possess a well-equipped laboratory for under-graduate students.
- Technology development for improving horticulture production and post harvest management including processing and value addition.
- Germplasm management.
- Capacity building for entrepreneurship/self employment.
- Training for vocational students and farmers.
- Establishment of medicinal plant gardens
- Growing organic nursery
- Propagation of fruit crops
- Human resource development in the area of Horticulture.