About Department

Dairy Technology is an engineering field that deals with the processing of milk and its products. This field involves the use of “Technology” to make the dairy products and processing more advanced, hi-tech and useful.

Dairy technology is a component of food technology that specifically deals with the processing, storage, packaging, distribution and transportation of the dairy products like milk, ice-cream, curd etc by implying the science of biochemistry, bacteriology, nutrition to the milk and milk products.

Department of Dairy Technology at Centurion has been instrumental in contributing quality manpower to the dairy and allied industries in India and abroad. We have endowed more than 500 Dairy professionals who are well placed with challenging responsibilities in dairy industry, research institutes, academia and allied sectors. The course curricula for B. Tech (Dairy Technology), is prepared as a unique job oriented degree programme which leads to a total development of graduates and make them capable to face varied situations in their field of work. Students are also enriched with entrepreneurial qualities to start their own industry. Additionally, the graduates get acquainted with various facts of professionally managed industries which include production management, raw material purchases, personnel management, sales and marketing by virtue of industrial in- plant training.



Seminars & Workshops:

